Episode 33 - The Flame Pokémon-athon!


Episode Summary

As Ash and the group continue on their way, they come into where they think is the Safari Zone. They are stopped from catching the Tauros there by a girl named Lara who tells them it isn’t the Safari Zone, but the big Pokémon ranch owned by the Laramie clan. She shows them around and tells them about the big race the following day. One of the competitors hires Team Rocket to help him win and they start by firing globs at the Tauros. Lara comes and has Growlithe calm them. Another blob is fired and it causes Ponyta who she rides on to get excited and throw her back. She broke her arm and could not race. She volunteers Ash to race, and eventually, Ponyta lets him. During the race Team Rocket pull various tricks to get all other competitors out of the race. Ash continues all the way and during the race Ponyta evolves into Rapidash. Rapidash then wins the race.


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